Be Completely Drug Free

If you are part of a Methadone maintenance program or have developed a dependence on Methadone through other means, Pathways Recovery can help get you on the road to a drug free lifestyle with our Methadone detox treatment program.  As with other opiates, the tolerance for Methadone increases quickly with regular usage and so do the withdrawal symptoms.  In fact, the withdrawal symptoms for Methadone can often be more difficult than other opiates.  So quitting on your own without professional help may be a difficult path.

Pathways Recovery’s Methadone detox treatment program will help you get past the withdrawal symptoms by lessening their effects with detox medications, counseling, and 24 hour care through the most difficult periods.  Our staff is very well versed in the special needs of Methadone detox clients, and we provide the environment that will give you or your loved one the best chance of success at moving past your dependence on Methadone.

Some of our Methadone detox clientele have been successfully involved with Methadone maintenance programs and used the program to stay off of heroin, Oxycontin or other illegal narcotics for years.  They came to the realization, however, that very few people within the Methadone maintenance field had any interest in getting them off of Methadone.  To be completely drug free, they realized they were going to have to seek an outside solution, and the Pathways Recovery Methadone detox treatment program is the first step in their transition to being completely drug free.

Other Methadone detox clients of Pathways Recovery have become dependent on Methadone as a result of pain management gone awry.  For patients that experience uncomfortable side effects from morphine or other opiod pain relievers, Methadone is an appropriate replacement for treating their pain.  As with other opiates, however, the tolerance to the drug can increase rapidly.  So more and more of it is required to alleviate the pain.  Before the patient knows it, their body has developed a dependence on the drug and alleviating their Methadone dependence once their pain abates is too difficult to do on their own.  Pathways Recovery’s Methadone detox program gave them the support they needed to move past their dependence on Methadone.

However you have developed your dependence on Methadone, Pathways Recovery can offer you a cost effective solution that can help you live the drug free life you desire.  Our Methadone detox treatment program can last anywhere from 10 days to 2 weeks or more depending on your level of dependence and your overall health.  When you begin your treatment with Pathways Recovery, we will have you screened by our on-call physician who will prescribe the necessary Methadone detox medications.  Once settled into our residential treatment facility, you will be provided all meals, one-one and group counseling, and access to our grounds where you can swim in the pool, perform other outdoor activities, or relax in the sun.